TMMT | Antonio Perazzi presents his new book

Thursday, July 4th at 6.30 pm at ZOO _Hub | B4


Free entry until all seats are taken









On the occasion of Giovedì in Manifattura, a new event in the TMMT series returns, the book review by Todo Modo and Manifattura Tabacchi.

Antonio Perazzi presents his latest book published by Einaudi, La natura selvatica del giardino. Elogio delle erbacce. The author will be in conversation with Maddalena Fossombroni, founder of the Todo Modo bookstore and Michelangelo Giombini, Head of Product Development and CEO of Manifattura Tabacchi.

Wild is a world that does not know our rules, developing stubbornly wherever possible. A wild garden is an oxymoron: there is no garden without a gardener. Yet scientific dissemination in recent years has given us a new environmental awareness. Can a modern garden afford to control all the nature it contains? And can it do so without worrying about its impact on a much broader group of systems? Is a garden where everything is under control still beneficial for the gardener? And for all the other organisms that enable its life and keep it in balance? The garden, which is the point of contact between the artificial and the spontaneous, must find a new dimension to dialogue with the plants and living beings that inhabit it. There are no more weeds, only bad gardeners who do not know how to act without going against nature.