Rituali di benessere finanziario | Talk con Daniela Collu

An event-class to change your relationship with money

Thursday, September 19th at 6.30 pm at Spazio Eventi | B9

You can register here

The event is organized by Rame in partnership with Lama Impresa Sociale and in collaboration with Alleanza Assicurazioni


Money is a brilliant invention of the early great civilizations. It is what has united the world, the most efficient system of mutual trust that exists. The paradox is that the more money matters, the less we talk about it.

Today, money is a true taboo: it’s a fault to have too much, a fault to have too little, we feel judged for how we use it, and we feel ashamed to ask for it even when it’s rightfully ours. The consequence of this taboo is that we feel “determined” by our family’s financial history or our financial mindset, and we accept the economic system we’re told about without ever questioning it.

Breaking this taboo is possible. We will try to do so through a bold conversation and a series of small hacks to apply in daily life and relationships. All participants will receive the Financial Well-being Rituals notebook at the entrance. It contains a true journey that each person can take at their own pace, leading to full financial resilience. Pages to read, exercises to complete, and emotions to record—a precious travel diary to keep.