Presentation of the book NAM 20-22

NAM – Not A Museum, a case study to envision the future


The event is organized in collaboration with Scuola di Didattica per l’Arte


January 22nd at 4.00 pm
Ghiberti Hall, Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Via Ricasoli 66


“In this sense, NAM 20-22 is nothing more than a work to be gifted to tomorrow’s empty spaces or, if you prefer, to its blank pages, for new designs and new parties.”, this is how Caterina Taurelli Salimbeni ends her statement on the pages of the book NAM 20-22, the choral narrative of the platform dedicated to contemporary languages in the spaces of Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence. NAM – Not A Museum has been a reference for artists, curators and creatives in the contemporary scene thanks to its focus on the processes of production, experimentation and sharing with the public. One year after the conclusion of this experience, NAM tells its story through the pages of its book to reflect on the premises, observe its criticalities and strengths, and to imagine together “new parties.”

Starting from the pages of NAM 20-22, the event will be articulated in an interactive discussion with the audience in which the contemporary art project lends itself as a case study to reflect on the production and experimentation of new languages in the domestic scene.

Caterina Taurelli Salimbeni, Artistic Director of NAM – Not A Museum and independent curator
Gaia Bindi, Director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence
Marcella Anglani, Professor of Contemporary Museology
Roberto Fassone, Artist
DFTM¹, Curatorial collective