Photographic exhibition | Intorno al Tavolo

The Intorno al tavolo exhibition is the result of a collaboration between ZOO _Hub and Studio Marangoni, with the participation of several tenants from Manifattura Tabacchi.


Opening | Thursday, October 10th from 6.30 pm


The exhibition is open to the public from October 10th to November 20th, Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm


Around the table, our vision of the world takes shape – Lorena Carrara

Intorno al tavolo aims to be a multidirectional reflection on the table as an archetype. The object is seen as a place where life unfolds, but also as a product of creativity and ingenuity. From a stereotype — whose form has been dictated by its own functions — to its evolved shape, sometimes even beyond the boundaries of its intended use, thanks to research in the field of design.

Around the table, small and large things happen: a family meal, a meeting that could make history, games between adults and children, a cat taking a nap. The table is a space to fill with objects or words, a support on which to design and create. Starting from this concept, in the photographs on display, the table itself becomes a stage set, hosting unconventional situations.

Even Western literature begins with a table, or rather, a banquet. As Folco Portinari observed, the Odyssey develops almost entirely around a table, where events are recounted: it is there that facts take shape, and power is displayed in its most assertive form.

Communication unfolds around a table, during mealtimes or formal meetings, and this object leaves its continuous imprint in mythology, literature, and even in contemporary life.

The table acts as a common thread, crossing eras, lifestyles, time, and space, becoming a symbol, an archetype of humanity and style.

The exploration of the form and function of the table, as well as the materials and construction techniques, has spanned the history of design. The exhibition is only the first in a series of events dedicated to exploring everything that can happen around a table. Through the use of the surreal, the exhibition aims to create a synesthesia capable of narrating the concept beyond the physical object, reaching its archetype.

The Intorno al tavolo exhibition is the result of a collaboration between ZOO _Hub and Studio Marangoni, with the participation of several tenants from Manifattura Tabacchi. The photographs are on display at ZOO _Hub and at the locations of those involved in the initiative, creating a widespread exhibition route throughout the Factory.