Coding for kids | Bottega Biologica

Saturday, September 14th at 3.00 pm at Bottega Biologica

The cost of the event is €15, which includes membership to Una Quantum and an organic snack. Payment and membership registration will be done on-site.

To reserve a spot at the event, simply fill out the form on the page

Saturday, September 14th at 3.00 pm at Bottega Biologica, Coding for Kids will take place. The event, conceived and organized by the association Una Quantum in collaboration with Bottega Biologica at its location in Manifattura Tabacchi, is designed to introduce children and teenagers (ages 11-17) to the world of computer science and electronics.

The topics will include programming, micro-computers, 3D modeling and printing, and artificial intelligence. The idea is to create a workshop where young people can come together to experiment, explore, and create, collaborating with each other and sharing their projects with the outside world, following the best traditions of Open Source.