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Building 4
Building 4 and the specular Building 5 bound the central courtyard and represent the productive heart of the Manifattura. They are laid out east-west, in a symmetrical position to the Workshop, and as such form a U-shaped courtyard with the General Services building. The buildings were constructed at the second building lot and were used for producing cigars and higher-quality cigarettes. As the newspaper La Nazione wrote at the time: “The projects, thanks to the technicians of the Monopoly, together with the strictly functional considerations, have also solved the issue of aesthetic, with dignified and robust lines, and with respect for the environmental requirements, without concealing the industrial character of the factories“.
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Building 4
the project
The Plan projects that, together with Building 5 directly opposite, it will face the new covered square and will be redeveloped to accommodate commercial and work spaces.