TOAST Project Space #5 HURACÁN / Lek M. Gjeloshi
TOAST Project Space presents the exhibition Facciatosta Records by Enne Boi and curated by Luigi Presicce on Wednesday 18 September at 7pm.
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TOAST Project Space presents the exhibition Facciatosta Records by Enne Boi and curated by Luigi Presicce on Wednesday 18 September at 7pm.
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Phoyography exhibition Comizi dei Vent'anni by Fenysia. Photos by Leonardo Pasquinelli, curated by Francesca Ordiligi. 18-25 october, 10am-10pm
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TOAST Project Space presents the exhibition Facciatosta Records by Enne Boi and curated by Luigi Presicce on Wednesday 18 September at 7pm.
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TOAST Project Space, from 26 June to 31 august, will present the exhibition Swan Lake and Swan Dance by Guendalina Cerruti in Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence
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For the first time in Italy, Plastic Dreams Exhibition by 4:3 and Boiler Room, a in partnership with Manifattura Tabacchi,
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A project curated by Linda Loppa during Pitti Uomo in Florence: a series of evocative installations between Fashion and Art, a walk in Manifattura Tabacchi
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TOAST Project Space presents the exhibition NOW NOW by Marco Ceroni, created by the artist specifically for Toast in Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence
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In mostra i lavori dei giovani artisti selezionati per la prima edizione delle Residenze d’artista di Manifattura Tabacchi con la curatela di Sergio Risaliti, storico dell’arte e direttore artistico del Museo Novecento di Firenze. Oltre 700 mq di superficie con 15 opere in esposizione, individuali e collettive, risultate del lavoro di sei mesi.
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