The installation created for TOAST by Enne Boi transforms the space into a pop-up shop for Facciatosta Records, Manifattura Tabacchi.
Visita Articolo
The installation created for TOAST by Enne Boi transforms the space into a pop-up shop for Facciatosta Records, Manifattura Tabacchi.
Visita Articolo
A series of talks open to the public, during which the artists and curators visiting Manifattura Tabacchi share their experiences
Visita Articolo
The first workshop of the Art Residence La Meraviglia is with Stefania Galegati, visual artist and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo.
Visita Articolo
A talk on art and sustainability with Andrea Cavallari, artist in exhibition, Nancy Burson, artist in exhibition, Sergio Risaliti, director Museo Novecento.
Visita Articolo
7-14 September, the God is Green festival presents Art on Earth, an exhibition that is conceptually and physically located in three: Human, Earth Starway.
Visita Articolo
The site-specific artwork Swan Lake and Swan Dance, conceived by the artist for TOAST at Manifattura Tabacchi, explores the figure of the swan.
Visita Articolo
Toast Project Space, in the ex-porter’s lodge at Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence is a place for reflection on contemporary styles and practices of art
Visita Articolo